How to tell your employees that you care

During this era of social distancing when the common workplace has been fragmented into each person’s own home, it’s quite easy to lose that connection with your employees. While some leaders believe in maintaining a tough exterior to command respect and obedience, the lack of a personal touch can spell disaster for your company. 

When employees are made to feel cared for, they are driven by a positive mentality to give their all for a company that appreciates their time and effort. Such a positive work environment, virtual or otherwise, can go a long way in bringing out the best in your employees. The question is, “How do you show your care? Do you give them gifts once a year? Or do you shower your love everyday?” The trick lies in finding the right balance. Here are a few ways to value your employees without going overboard.

Time Can Heal

Whether your employees voice it or not, they miss eating lunch together during break hours. You must fill this void by organizing some form of online get togethers and virtual events where they can blow off some steam. Ensure that you also make time to listen to your employees’ concerns at least once a week and let them know that you are there for them.

Prioritize Employee Wellness

During these inhumane times, you as a leader must remain humane towards your employees’ hardships. Introduce flexible paid sick leave policies for infected employees and other necessary health benefits. You can also consider corporate gifting them a safety tool kit consisting of masks, sanitizers, etc. and give out fitness bands to motivate them to stay fit.                                             

Recognize Their Hard Work

Just because they are not in your immediate sight doesn’t mean that you should overlook their efforts that are keeping your company afloat. Draw out incentive plans to reward those employees who have maintained their performance standards even during these difficult times or who have gone out of their way to assume roles that are not a part of their job profile.

Read as well : Best corporate gifts for new year for Employees, Clients and Customers

Embrace Openness and Honesty

Don’t exert yourself as over and above them. Let your employees know that you are in this together. Be open and honest about your company’s goals and expectations. At the same time, let them know that you are there to help them in any way needed and guide them smoothly through.

Employee performance and care go hand-in-hand. If you want your employees to see the bigger picture of your company’s mission and work towards it, you need to ensure that they see themselves as a part of that picture. Once you make your employees believe in your care and leadership, it’s all uphill from there.

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